Kid's Bedtime Made Delightful with Fitting Furniture

Having a small room for kids requires many adjustments. These adjustments are mostly related to space. Many DIY hacks can be implemented to make it look spacious. However, one of the guaranteed ways is to replace the regular beds with bunk beds. Fitting Furniture is a renowned name for providing the best quality bunk beds. Moreover, the company can also make beds based on customers’ bunk bed ideasFitting Furniture offers a variety of options available for bunk beds.



Benalla single trundle bed with wrap-around storage shelves

This bed is perfect for bedtime stories. Along with a king-size single bed, the bed comes with trundle and wraparound storage features. The bed has a long adjustable shelf unit at one end, specifically the bed head. One unit is positioned along the whole length of the bed. Moreover, the adjustable height of the middle section of the shelves makes it unique.

Triple transverse bunk bed - three single beds in one

The 3 bunk bed is an amazing way to make kids’ sleep time interesting. The bed is light on floor space. It also has maximum bed storage space. The bed comes with protective measures like full-size guard rails all around. Moreover, the height of the bed is also not too much. The storage space is innovatively provided in the middle of the triple bunk bed. The unique design of the bed allows the space up to which each child can sit on the 3-bunk bed.

Compact space saver single bed with cupboard doors

This bed is a combination of almost all the things a kid wishes for in bed. It has a single bed along with two cupboards. Moreover, the adjustable desk that can be pulled out of the bed cabinet makes it distinguishable. The lower bed height is kids safe with rails around. The deep cupboards also have one adjustable shelf inside. Assembling a bed cannot be as easy as it is to assemble this bed. The easy-to-follow instructions and strong melamine designs are the prominent selling features of this bed with desk underneath

Additionally, the company offers a variety of beds for kids which can be customized as well. The company uses high-quality material and computer-aided technology for precision manufacturing.

Finding the perfect bed for the small kid’s room can be convenient. Found it surprising? Explore the bed options from Fitting Furniture at:- to find the perfect beds and furniture for a kid’s room.


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